Singkatan - Singkatan yang Biasa Digunakan di Dunia Maya


Singkatan - Singkatan yang Biasa Digunakan di Dunia Maya

AFAIK : [/B]as far as I know
AFK : away from keyboard
ASAP : as soon as possible
A/S/L : age / sex / location
BBIAB :be back in a bit
BBL : be back later
BBS : be back soon
BRB : be right back
BTW : by the way
BUMP : Used on forums to bring a topic back to the top
FFS : for f***'s sake
FU : f*** you
FWIW : for what it's worth
FYI : for your information
GTFO : get the f*** out
GTG : got to go
HB : hurry back
H/O : hold on
J/K : just kidding
IDK : i don't know
IIRC : if I recall correctly
IMO : in my opinion
IMHO : in my humble / honest opinion
IRL : in real life
LMAO : laugh my ass off
LMFAO : laugh my f***ing ass off
LOL : laugh out loud
NFI : no f***ing idea
NP : no problem
OMG : oh my God
OMFG : oh my f***ing God
OP : original poster
PM : private message
ROFL : rolling on floor laughing
ROFLMAO : rolling on floor laughing my ass off
RTM : read the manual
RTFM : read the f***ing manual
SFW : safe for work
STFU : shut the f*** up
TBH : to be honest
TC : take care
TIA : thanks in advance
TTFN : ta ta for now
TTYL : talk to you later
TY : thankyou
THX : thankyou
WB : welcome back
WE : whatever
W/ : with
W/O : without
WTF : what the f***
WTH : what the hell
YW : you're welcome
CMIIW :Correct Me If Im Wrong
IMHO :In My Humble Opinion
AFAIK :As Far As I Know